Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome Back! & Rule Review

Hello, everybody!  Welcome back for another fun year of learning in the Computer Lab!  This week all classes are learning/reviewing our technology rules.  

The computer lab rules are as follows: 

1.  Always treat classmates and teachers with respect, and use a respectful tone with any person you encounter in the computer lab.   

2.  Please be mindful of websites you visit.  Do not do things on the computer that are inappropriate for school time.  

3.  Always ask a teacher’s permission before you use any kind of equipment. Do not willfully damage equipment. Use equipment only as instructed.

4.  Do not disrupt other students’ opportunity to learn.  This includes, but is not limited to, such actions as: distracting other students or the teacher by poking, hitting, or yelling at them. 

5.  Although it is ok to ask for help, or to work together on some projects, please do not copy another student’s work.  

Various forms, such as the Computer Usage Agreement and information about programs and accounts your child may be using as part of our Technology program, will be going home in students' Gatherings packets later this month.  Students in Elementary classes will begin the year with computer safety, and being safe online.  Middle School students will begin the year learning how to do basic tasks (format papers, online research, save and print) in support of classroom assignments.  

I'm so excited for the new school year!  We're going to have a great year of learning and fun! 

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