Thursday, September 13, 2012

Star Power!

This year, students in Middle Elementary and Upper Elementary classes are trying a new way to earn free time.  This new method is called Star Power!

As students do positive things in class - participating in discussions, following directions, helping friends, using kind and respectful language, etc. - they will earn stars on their star cards.  As a class, they have a star goal to earn 10 minutes of free time.  Free time can be used to do any appropriate activity of their choice, including games, drawing, videos, music, and more! As individuals fill their star cards, the cards will be replaced and the full star card will be placed on the "Wall of Fame".

Current Star Power earnings:

Andrea's Class: 28*
Tulie's Class: 52
Keri's Class: 40
Kim's Class: 55
Betsy's Class: 55

I'll keep updating the Star Power boards to keep classes and parents updated on our awesome progress!

*short class this week  :-) 

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