Thursday, September 13, 2012

Computer Forms Going Home This Week

This week at Gatherings, various forms from the Technology program are being distributed to parents.

Parents of Early Learner students received a Tag Reader information sheet, explaining the Tag Readers and providing a list of books in our library.  No action is required from parents in this age level - but if you have questions feel free to email me!

Parents of Lower and Middle Elementary students are receiving a copy of the Computer Usage Agreement.  Students have reviewed this in class, and should be able to understand the concepts within.  Please review with your child, have your child "sign" to the best of their ability, and sign yourself, then return to the school.  You can return to the classroom teacher, to me, or place in my mailbox in the main office.

Parents of Upper Elementary students are receiving the Computer Usage Agreement and a Google Apps in Education permission form.  We use the Google Apps to begin learning about online communications in a fun, safe environment.  These accounts are administered and monitored by the Technology Teacher.  Students in this age group will likely be receiving the accounts in November, and using them for classroom activities in the computer lab, such as composing and sending emails, online chat and IM, making a blog and/or video log (in a safe way!), and using online storage and sharing tools.  This is a great way for these students to practice the online safety rules we learn about and reinforce classroom lessons by sharing and collaborating. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  Please review the forms with your child, sign the forms, and return them to your classroom teacher, to me, or place them in my mailbox in the main office.

Thank you!

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