Thursday, September 27, 2012

Carnegie Cyber Academy

This year, students in Upper Elementary and Middle School classes are learning about cyber safety at the Carnegie Cyber Academy.  Students have created their own username and password, and have enjoyed doing in-game activities during Technology classes.   Here's a page where you can read more about the game and see a demo video.

We will be continuing to use the site for classroom activities in the computer lab, but many students have also expressed an interest in continuing the activities at home.  If parents wish, the game portal can be downloaded to the computer at this link:  Login information must be entered in order to download the game.  Hey, students: Remember, always ask your parent/guardian before downloading anything onto the computer!  When they are ready to login, students should know their username and password, and the group code is com-8149.

A download-free way to continue the Carnegie Cyber Academy activities at home is by playing the online games and activities related to the Cyber Academy safety game at this link:

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