Friday, September 21, 2012

Technology Update: Middle School

This was a good week in Middle School Technology classes. 

Students in Emilie's and Linda's classes learned about online searching and citation.  We learned that you should always carefully consider your sources - are they credible or not?  We also learned that you should be a detective and look for facts in at least 3 places to make sure they are accurate before using them in our papers. Students discussed various types of files and information you can find on the internet - videos, interactive activities and games, sound and music files, text, newspaper articles, blogs, vlogs, maps, pictures...and more!  We learned that no matter what it is, if we use it for our paper we have to list it as a source in our bibliography.  We learned the format for citation and how to do a hanging indent on Microsoft Word.  

Students in Katrina's and Seminar classes started this year's cyber-safety activities on Carnegie Cyber Academy.  They will use these games and activities to learn and practice safe skills online, in a fun, game-like format.  Students created online accounts and know our group code, so they are welcome to visit the game anytime they wish. (Many students expressed a desire to continue playing the game on their own time!) We will revisit the game and online activities periodically throughout the year.  

This week, forms were sent home from the Technology Program to Middle School families.  The first form is the Computer Usage Agreement.  Students reviewed this document in class with the teacher.  Please read over the agreement, discuss with your child, and return it to the school signed by both the student and a parent/guardian.  The second form is about our Google Apps in Education accounts.  These accounts will include email, chat, calendar, online storage, and other useful Google tools to help students complete academic assignments.  We will discuss proper use of these tools in class.  These accounts are administered by the Technology Teacher.  Please review the information and return the signed form before Fall Festival.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!  

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