Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seminar Hero Story Presentations

On February 7, Seminar students shared their Hero Story presentations.  Here's a review of their awesome work!

  • LK made a wonderful hero story based on his own experiences. 
  • JH created an Adventure Map including many tricky, fun elements.  
  • EK & GM told us the riveting story of Peyton's Revenge. The film was well written and very entertaining.
  • FT created two video game levels. His lighthouse, complete with light, door, and the beginning of a winding staircase, was great! 
  • DJ wrote a moving story featuring an inspirational Olympic swimmer.  
  • GW created a Minecraft inspired animated short. 
  • CW shared a story featuring a heroic bird and villainous zombie.
  • FJ penned a very funny script for a humorous adventure movie featuring all his friends, and told us a bit about how to make a movie.
Tools used included:  MS Power Point, Minecraft (creative mode), iMovie, Source SDK by Valve, Scratch, and MS Word.  Students also reviewed skills including: online searches, proper use of flash-drives, sharing files and information via online communications tools (email, messaging), and saving pictures from devices to computers.

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