Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seminar Creative Projects

Seminar students are enjoying some time to work on creative projects while their classmates are away visiting Bolivia.  This week they turned in their own "rubric", or goal sheet, by which they will measure their success at the end of the project.  

FT is sharing his knowledge of Source SDK by Valve, a video game creation tool, with RB and LK.  They are learning how to create buildings, weather, landscapes, characters, and lighting effects.  They have the goal of creating a playable video game level!

GM, CW, and FJ are making Minecraft creations.  GM is creating her own "fun house", a thing of beauty and delight!  CW is making a "trap house", fraught with obstacles and trickery.  FJ is creating an exciting and engaging adventure map.

It is exciting to watch the projects unfold, and I look forward to enjoying the finished products.

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