Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coming Up!: Middle School Film Festival

This semester, middle school students have been using Technology time to create their own short films.  Students have been working hard, and have made some really wonderful, creative works.  Because films are made to be shared, we are going to have an in-school Film Festival for students on Friday, March 15 from 9-10 AM.  The films will be shared on the big screen in the computer lab (which will be transformed into a theater for the event).  Students are encouraged to really enjoy the event - if there is student interest, we may have a "red carpet", some light, breakfast-type refreshments, and plenty of opportunity to communicate our appreciation to our fellow film makers!  It looks like we will have about 11 short films to view, ranging in length from the very short (30 seconds) to the somewhat longer (10 minutes) - most films appear to run about 3-4 minutes.

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