Friday, September 23, 2011

This Week in Technology Classes: Elementary

This week, elementary students continued learning about being safer online (and offline, too!)

Lower Elementary: 
Students in Beth's and Tulie's classes watched the first video in Hector's World's "Your Personal Information Online" series.  We watched as Ranjeet, the crab, started using his brand new computer.  Along with Ranjeet and Hector, we learned why he should never put his real name and address online, and made our own unique nicknames for when we go online.  The kids did a great job coming up with nicknames that were fun (and funny!) and safe.

Middle Elementary: 
Students in Emily's and Keri's classes reviewed the video we watched last week with some Webville Outlaw Riddles.  The Webville Outlaws help students understand the types of dangerous people we might run into online, and how to deal with them.  After our review, students explored the Netsmartz Kids website, filled with fun activities to reinforce online safety.  We will continue our online exploration of the Netsmartz Kids site next week, when we will also learn about tips to avoid getting a virus on our computer!

Upper Elementary:
Students in Betsy's and Kim's classes also reviewed last week's Webville Outlaws, and then reinforced our safety lessons by playing a fun, online game called "Clicky's Quest".  In "Clicky's Quest", students took on the role of Sheriff Clicky, capturing the Webville Outlaws and advising others on how to be safer online.  Students had a lot of fun, and we had a chance to review not only online safety rules, but also reviewed what a web browser is, typing in a URL, navigating a website, and developing our hand-eye coordination by using the keyboard and mouse.  Within the next week or so, we will begin activities using our Gaggle accounts to learn and reinforce our online safety and responsibility lessons.

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