Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Week in Technology Classes: Middle School

This week middle schoolers accessed their Gaggle accounts for the first time this year.  We reviewed the importance of password security, and created brand-new passwords for the year.  We reviewed e-mail and the Digital Locker, and introduced Zoho docs and the Homework Dropbox.

1.  E-mail:  Students can use their Gaggle accounts to email other students and teachers in the Community School district.  Students can send emails to parents/guardians if desired (I'll simply have to whitelist parent emails so they'll go through).  Students reviewed the selections available as we read email, the steps and options when we write an email, and how to reply, reply-all, and forward messages.  We also reviewed some basic email etiquette.

2.  Digital Locker:  The Gaggle Digital Locker is an online storage space available for student use.  Any kind of file can be stored in the locker (but the same rules of appropriateness for school apply, as always!).  This is an ideal place for students to store files for homework, as it is available from any computer with an Internet connection.

3.  Zoho docs:  Students can access Zoho docs through the Digital Locker, allowing them to create, edit, and save files online, including text documents, word documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and images.

4.  Homework Dropbox:  Students can use the Homework dropbox to turn in homework digitally, saving paper, reducing lost homework, and hopefully simplifying the process for everyone involved.  As we begin using this system more in class, students will be more fully introduced to the process of turning in homework online.

This year, middle school students will be utilizing our online tools more frequently in classes, and we hope they will find it an easy and enjoyable way to augment the learning process.

Next week, students will begin activities to introduce/review online safety and netiquette.  We will use our Gaggle tools to complete activities to reinforce these lessons in a fun, engaging way, and to prepare students to use these tools for classroom assignments.

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