Thursday, September 23, 2010

Class Notes

It's been a busy week in the computer lab!

  • Beth's class watched amazing Animal Diaries from the Australia Zoo! We learned about koalas, turtles, and tigers!  We practiced our mousing skills and hand-eye coordination by helping Blue play hide-and-go-seek with some friendly ghosts on  
  • Katie's and Keri's classes continued learning about peripheral devices: input devices, output devices, and storage devices.  We also played Plants vs. Zombies to practice our mouse skills!  
  • Betsy's and Kim's classes started an Online Scavenger Hunt, and learned how to search for answers on the Internet! We also learned about the hardware inside a computer, and even got to touch and feel some motherboards, hard drives, floppy disks, and CPUs!  Today we are continuing our keyboarding lessons, adding 6 keys to our typing repertoire.  
  • Middle school classes learned about the hardware inside the computer.  We identified them both on-screen and in a real computer used here at Community School. Middle schoolers had their first Computer Lab quiz - many did very well!  We started an Online Scavenger Hunt to hone our research skills, and discussed the importance of using credible sources. This lesson will continue into next week, when we will discuss verifying information and fact checking.  We will also begin discussions of how to cite our sources.  

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