Monday, September 13, 2010

Class Notes

As of today I have had class with each class here at Community School at least once.  It was wonderful meeting each and every student, and I appreciate their enthusiasm and hard work!

Here's a quick review of what we did in our first week of classes: 

  • Beth's Class learned what the Internet is.  Then we practiced our skills (mousing, following directions) playing games at
  • Keri's and Katie's classes played review games, and learned some basic computer terminology (CAPS LOCK, monitor, etc.).
  • Kim's and Betsy's classes have had two classes this week.  We did a fun review game (in which the classes won $1 million!) and started keyboarding.  Ask them about their score in Typer Shark (found on Yahoo! Games)! 
  • The middle school classes played a fun review game, and started making posters to share their computer know-how with the younger students!  Seminar students will edit and display their posters this week! 
This has been a great first week.  I look forward to many more weeks filled with learning! 

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