Monday, June 3, 2013

Almost summer...

Wow!  We've already reached the end of the school year!  It sure has been a busy one.

Man, if these walls could talk, what stories they would tell.  This year in the computer lab we:

  • made movies
  • learned about being safe online
  • created our own songs
  • learned how to use our computers with Windows 8
  • learned how to use our new iPads
  • created our own stop-motion animated shorts on the computer and iPad
  • built and played through our own mini-golf courses
  • built slides, swings, merry-go rounds, and roller coasters for "Little Suzy"
  • brushed Mr. Giraffe's teeth and fixed his cavities
  • created our own Pixie animal filled zoo
  • learned about how the Internet works
  • studied black holes
  • created our own illustrations, graphics, and logos on the computer
  • studied how sound is added to films 
  • made posters all about being safe online
  • made and sent Valentines to residents of a local nursing home
  • learned about how Websites are made
  • read books on the computer and using Tag readers
  • created and illustrated our own books and stories 
  • took photographs both serious and silly
  • built houses, sundials, and even diamond machines in Minecraft
  • learned how to type
  • searched the Internet for informational texts, videos, and sound files
  • played educational games 
...and more!  

It's been a busy, productive, and fun year in the computer lab.  As I am every June, I am excited for summer and so very proud of every single student's hard work, but a little sorry to see the year is over. Everyone have a safe, happy summer!  See you next fall! 

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