Monday, June 3, 2013

Students' Pixie Art

Student art is the prime decorative medium for any classroom - the computer lab is no exception.  This year, students of all ages who opted to give artwork to the teacher were able to add it to the window display next to the computer lab door, at the front of the classroom.  Here is our beautiful end-of-the-year filled-window masterpiece!  Stop by for an better look at this lovely artwork.

Almost summer...

Wow!  We've already reached the end of the school year!  It sure has been a busy one.

Man, if these walls could talk, what stories they would tell.  This year in the computer lab we:

  • made movies
  • learned about being safe online
  • created our own songs
  • learned how to use our computers with Windows 8
  • learned how to use our new iPads
  • created our own stop-motion animated shorts on the computer and iPad
  • built and played through our own mini-golf courses
  • built slides, swings, merry-go rounds, and roller coasters for "Little Suzy"
  • brushed Mr. Giraffe's teeth and fixed his cavities
  • created our own Pixie animal filled zoo
  • learned about how the Internet works
  • studied black holes
  • created our own illustrations, graphics, and logos on the computer
  • studied how sound is added to films 
  • made posters all about being safe online
  • made and sent Valentines to residents of a local nursing home
  • learned about how Websites are made
  • read books on the computer and using Tag readers
  • created and illustrated our own books and stories 
  • took photographs both serious and silly
  • built houses, sundials, and even diamond machines in Minecraft
  • learned how to type
  • searched the Internet for informational texts, videos, and sound files
  • played educational games 
...and more!  

It's been a busy, productive, and fun year in the computer lab.  As I am every June, I am excited for summer and so very proud of every single student's hard work, but a little sorry to see the year is over. Everyone have a safe, happy summer!  See you next fall!