Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Notes from Middle School classes

We've had some fun, exciting classes in Middle School classes, lately.  For two weeks, we learned how to create exciting Power Point presentations.  We learned how to add pictures, text, transition effects and sounds, animate objects, and add colors and designs to our slides.  Students created some very nice presentations, and really enjoyed sharing with their classmates.

Middle school students are now doing some voice recording and mixing.  Students in years 1-3 are creating a "radio program" in conjunction with their current Social Studies reports on events of the 1940s.  Students will record their voices announcing "breaking news", and then insert it into the middle of a 1940s radio program.  Their recordings also include an advertisement for an item invented in the time period that students wrote in  English class.

Students in Seminar are recording and mixing their own podcasts (informal, informational sound or video files) about a topic of their choice.  Topics include how to dance, using technology, successfully avoiding zombie attack, funny Harry Potter jokes, the cheese cast, and how to win a video game. These projects should be completed within a week or so.  (Students leaving for Bolivia will be able to contribute sound recordings, and their partners will handle the mixing.)

I hope all the students are enjoying using the computer to create and edit sound files!

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