Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Technology Update

Hello, all!  Sorry I've been so remiss in keeping up with these updates.

It has been a busy month since our last post.

The Robotics Group finished up, with amazing "battle-bots" they designed and programmed themselves!  We are anxiously awaiting some photographs that were taken, and I will share them on this blog. I was very, very impressed impressed by the creativity, hard work, and good teamwork the students displayed.

Students in Lower Elementary have been doing games and activities on and to reinforce classroom lessons during computer time in the last few weeks.

Students in Upper Elementary and Middle Elementary students took some photographs last week, which we will use in our activities over the next 3-4 weeks.  This week, Upper Elementary students will set up the Gaggle accounts, and learn how to use some basic tools like Email and the Digital Locker.  Middle Elementary students are doing activities using Pixie and our photographs to reinforce classroom lessons in math and literacy.

Students in Middle School have been learning about cyberbullying: what it is, how to prevent it, and what to do if they witness an act of cyberbullying (either toward themselves or others).  We watched a movie about cyberbullying and wrote our own movie review on our Gaggle blogs, and students will prepare short presentations for discussions based on real-life cases of cyberbullying.

Students in Billifer's class (third year/seminar) presented their own cyberbullying presentations to Keri's and Emily's classes this morning.  We spent about 3 weeks learning about cyberbullying and preparing presentations for 6-8 year old students.  They did a fantastic job sharing these presentations today!  I am so impressed, proud, and pleased!  They conveyed the material appropriately and succinctly, and interacted perfectly with the younger students.  (The middle elementary students were also very good - they listened attentively and seemed to learn a lot!)

The computer lab continues to be a busy, fun hub of learning here at Community School!  I'm so pleased with everyone's continued hard work and curiosity.

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