Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Technology Across Campus!

Technology is not just for Computer Class!

Lately we've been using technology in a lot of classes!  Here are some of the great ways technology is being used across subjects at Community School!

  • Upper Elementary students have been learning how to do research online.  Students also learned how to cite online sources (text, video, and audio) for their "Famous Inventor" report.  Students will eventually type their reports; they will be able to put their excellent keyboarding skills we've been developing all year to good use!  
  • Middle School students have created and posted to blogs on Gaggle.net.  They are using the blogs as an online reading journal, to share their thoughts on books being read for Language Arts.  
  • Middle School students are nearly finished with a great Photo Story project they completed for Language Arts!  Students recently read books about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and have now created a multimedia presentation to share the major elements of the book!  Students started off by actually staging and taking photographs of the salient points in the books.  They've been using Picnik (an online photo editing program) and Photo Story 3 to complete the project. 
  • Seminar students have been using Power Point to create lessons about various important topics and share them with classmates.  
Middle schoolers used Picnik to edit photos!
I'm so excited to see so much technology being used so much as we wind down the year!  The lab has been full and busy, just the way I like it!  

I can't wait to see all these projects completed!  Every single student is working hard, being creative, and having fun... and, of course, learning a lot!

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