Friday, March 22, 2013

Talent n' Tacos Commercials!

Check out these awesome student-made commercials for the Talent n' Tacos talent show (coming up on April 8)!

This one was made to entice watchers to buy tickets and come to our talent show!

This one was made to encourage students to audition for a spot as our talent!  Auditions are over - we have several different acts including 41 of our awesome students!

Finally, here's an awesome Scratch animation commercial made by LH!  Great job!

Check out these awesome ads!  And don't forget to send in your ticket orders by March 28!

Check out the Community School Computer Lab Zoo!

This week middle elementary and upper elementary students read "If I Ran the Zoo" on the iPad and drew their own zoo animal (real, imagined, or somewhere inbetween) for display as our computer lab artwork for Spring! Check it out!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lower Elementary Tech Update

Today Lower Elementary Students (Beth's class) enjoyed musical Seussical activities in honor of both Read Across America month and Music in our Schools month!  On the computer, we explored the game "Horton Hears a Tune" on  On the iPad, students tried the Seuss Band app, playing along with songs and making their own tunes.

Middle School Film Festival Rescheduled

The Middle Schoolers have been hard at work on their film projects.  As with many movie projects, we are a bit off schedule, and have pushed back our film festival date.  We will have our in-school film sharing activity for all middle school students on April 12, from 9-10 AM.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Talent Show Auditions!

Auditions for our Talent n' Tacos Talent show are here!  Students may audition on Fridays March 8 and March 15 during recess and lunchtime (11:45-12:30).  Every audition slot is 5 minutes long.  Students are encouraged to be prepared with their act prior to auditioning. Anyone who wants to audition can sign up in the music room (there is a clipboard with time-slots sitting in the window under the flag).