Thursday, December 13, 2012

Technology Update: Middle School

Students in Middle School classes are doing some fun, multi-tool projects in Technology classes. We are focusing on finding exciting ways to share information and being able to use multiple tools on the computer or the iPad to accomplish our goals.

In Seminar and Katrina's Class, students are creating multimedia presentations of their own original hero stories.  Students are using programs of their choice, including Keynote, iMovie, Power Point, Story Creator and others to create these presentations.  Students are including photos, pictures they've drawn or edited themselves, music and sound effects, or videos in their presentations.  All students will present before February 7.

In Emilie's and Linda's classes, students are creating short (3-5 minute) films.  Their films must be related to something they've done in school - perhaps a public safety announcement about the playground, a short computer adventure, a film about mummification, a retelling of a Greek many choices!  Students are working in small teams and will create their film using iMovie and the iPads.  Individual students may also create short "trailers" or commercials.  I hope to have a "film festival" before spring break; students can share their films on the big screen in the lab!

We're doing very exciting projects in the computer lab!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fun with iPads

Today the Surfing Penguins are doing fun reading and writing activities with the Super Why iPad app.