Thursday, April 19, 2012

We've started our Programming Unit

Hello, all!  I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Spring Break!  I've very much enjoyed being back.

This spring, students in Middle School classes are learning the basics of programming! We are using Scratch, a free program available online, to learn the basic principles of building programs like games, ecards, simulations, and so on.  Students have already started learning about creating sprites and stages, modifying looks, adding motion, and using control elements like "if.." statements, loops, and key presses/clicks.  I think (hope!) the students are enjoying our programming classes, and finding the challenges to be intriguing and interesting.

So far, students in Middle Elementary have been using Lego Digital Designer, a program that allows users to build with virtual Lego blocks on the computer, as a warm-up prior to starting programming.  We've reviewed some of our important basic lessons, practiced following directions, and become more accustomed to the idea that there is not a "right" way or a "wrong" way to solve a problem - that sometimes we use our own approach and method of thinking to reach the same conclusion.  Next week we will start using Scratch!

Students in Upper Elementary are doing a couple of different activities.  Students in Kim's class are creating new, exciting inventions!  We have already drawn designs of our prototypes on paper with pencil.  We are currently creating prototypes using spare materials found in the classroom.  Students will then draw their creations on the computer using Google Sketch-Up, a 3D drawing program.

This week, I was especially happy to welcome back our travelers from Bolivia!  It is great to see their happy, smiling faces again.  I can't wait to hear all the exciting stories of their adventures.