Monday, December 12, 2011

Advanced Robotics - more pictures!

In my earlier post, I included pictures of the students at work.  Here are the robots that they made:

Declan built and programmed this rolling grabber.  

This robot was built by Cecilia, David and Declan.  

Cecilia successfully programmed the robot to avoid obstacles, detect colors,  and grab and move an object.  
This is the robot Garrett and Lane built and programmed. 

This robot moves and turns on three wheels.  When the grabber is attached on the side, it can grab objects. 

This robot was built by Christopher, Everett and Liam.  

Liam successfully programmed this robot to move around, avoid objects, and grab and move objects. 

David built this device.  This brick-less grabber uses two motors and a hand crank to turn and grab objects. 

David built this awesome machine.  The motors communicate via the wire, so it turns and grabs at the same time. 

Advanced Robotics - pictures!

For the last two Fridays, we've been working in a brand-new Friday Group - Advanced Robotics!  In order to be eligible, students must complete the beginner course, so these are dedicated engineers.

Our first two weeks consisted of review challenges.  Our robots had varying designs and students were very successful in building and programming their robots to complete challenges.  Here are some pictures of our students at work: